Zheng Yan Shui Xian

Zheng Yan Shui Xian

from $8.00

After trying the samples from the tea farmer once, we immediately fell in love with this Shui Xian and couldn’t wait to share it with you all.

The tea leaves were hand-picked on May 1st 2021, in the “水帘洞” (Shui Lian Dong) region of the Wuyi Mountains. The average age of these tea trees is around 40 years. The leaves were attentively and skillfully roasted three times with charcoal to achieve a balanced yancha.

Right away, we were struck by the stunning, rich aroma of this tea. Both the dry and wet leaves smell deliciously sweet, floral, and fruity. The flavor has classic Shui Xian characteristics, including prominent charcoal notes. We feel like this tea really hits its stride after the second infusion. If you are looking for a quality Shui Xian to try out, we recommend this one without hesitation! Actually, you’ll regret it if you miss this one!

2021 Zheng Yan Shui Xian:
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Chart design by Anna Litwiller

Suggested Brewing:

No rinsing is required. 6 - 8 grams of tea is suggested to put into your gaiwan (100 - 110 ml). Steep with boiling hot water (100℃/ 212℉) for only 3 seconds, and add 3 - 5 seconds for the sequent infusions according to your preference. It can be steeped 6 - 8 times.