Lao Cong Shui Xian

Lao Cong Shui Xian

from $7.00

There is a saying in Wu Yi Mountain region, "nothing smells better than Rougui, and nothing tastes mellower than Shui Xian" (香不过肉桂,醇不过水仙). A tea maker isn’t considered to be a master unless she/he can make Rougui and Shui Xian well. Rougui and Shui Xian speak to the reputation of the tea maker. We found a new tea farmer (Xue Ying) in 2019, and we were amazed by their simple tea-making philosophy and high-quality yancha. Xue Ying says, "offer less, make it great."

Our 2021 Lao Cong Shui Xian was harvested in May 2021 and hand-processed in very small batches until October 2021 in Hui Yuan Keng (Wu Yi Mountain Area). Hui Yuan Keng is an exemplary location among other Zheng Yan gardens. The garden is surrounded by huge rocks and the soil of the land provides numerous minerals for the tea trees. The humid location of this farm provides great air and water circulation. The aroma and flavor of our 2021 Lao Cong Shui Xian is dark, woody, and spicy with a contrasting brightness. We particularly like the thick, oily texture of this tea and its balanced profile. We suggest that you use a kettle to boil it (like brewing an aged white tea) after 8 infusions to experience the sweetness and long-lasting rocky profile of our Lao Cong Shui Xian.

2021 Lao Cong Shui Xian:
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Suggested Brewing:

No rinsing is required. 6 - 8 grams of tea is suggested to put into your gaiwan (100 - 110 ml). Steep with boiling hot water (100℃/ 212℉) for only 3 seconds, and add 3 - 5 seconds for the sequent infusions according to your preference. It can be steeped 6 - 8 times.  

Chart design by Anna Litwiller

Chart design by Anna Litwiller