2019 Wild Silver Needle

2019 Wild Silver Needle
Wild Silver Needle is always more expensive and rare than regular silver needle white tea since a limited quantity is produced each year. We decided to take an opportunity to offer both wild and plantation silver needles so that you are able to compare and contrast them. Our Wild Silver Needle has skinnier, longer buds than our Plantation Silver Needle due to a different growing environment and region.
Our 2019 Wild Silver Needle was grown in a more wild, untended tea area at a high altitude (600 - 800 meters) and harvested during spring in Guang Yang County, Fu Jian Province. Tea pickers pick the tea buds from here and there, roaming through the tea trees that are scattered around the high mountain. It has a sweet, creamy, and clean flavor that feels cozy and comforting. The 2019 Wild Silver Needle leans more towards dessert flavors than the fruity, floral notes of its 2019 Plantation Silver Needle counterpart. We particularly like how warming and refreshing this silver needle is. If you are learning about the profile of a wild silver needle, this is a great tea to expand your tea zone.